
  Lifelines are suggestions for the month - merely ideas to give you food for thought.

Today's Lifelines are:

logo, food for thought Don't just act, think.
But don't just think - act!

logo, food for thought A particular set of problems is worrying you. It's something you can't solve instantly but you can't let go of it either. It's distracting you from your work and from the rest of your life but it isn't something you can just forget...and you don't want to be accused of "avoiding your problems" and "running away from life" and all those admonitory things people say...

It's all right, you can deal with that.

Visualise wrapping up whatever is troubling you in a parcel. A handy black plastic sack is good. Seal it with sticky tape. Then tie your package to several of those lighter-than-air balloons, with a long trailing string also attached. Send balloons and package up into the air, and anchor the string firmly to the ground.

There you are. Your worries are out of the way until you choose to haul them in. You know where they are. You haven't tried to dump them or hide them. You're just not going to look at them right now.

You may even find that, left to float for a while, they start to solve themselves.


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© Barbara-Serene Perkins 2000